Starting new churches in Peru.

Our mission in Peru last month was to start 6 churches and encourage and train them so that we can return next year and partner with them to start at least 6 more.  The trip was challenging, but extremely successful.  Our group partnered with pastors to help  them start churches.  Here are the teams that…

Sharing Jesus In Peru!

Here are some pics of our church members sharing Jesus with the people of Puno, Peru.  In total, 165 people began a personal relationship with Jesus on this trip.

Our First Mission Trip

On Sunday, the good people from E3 partners, worshiped with us and then went over some of the details to our first mission trip.  In late July, we will be travelling to Lima, Peru to plant 8 churches in one week!  That is right, we are planting 8 churches this year! Church planting is very…

Good Bye 2011 (Memories)

One of my favorite memories of 2011 was our first ever Connectee Awards that we hosted at our Volapalooza in October.  I enjoyed seeing all of our volunteers celebrate together with their volunteer teams and enjoy themselves.  Everyday I am thankful for our volunteers and our staff had a blast preparing this evening especially for them….

High Performing Organizations part 3

The final thing a High Performing Organization is : the investment of choice This is a tough one.  We have the best investment possible: Eternal and abundant life in Christ.  But what can we do to make this known and accessible to those who are unaware?  What can we do to make our attenders even…

High Performing Organizations part 2

The next thing that Ken Blanchard says a High Performing Organization must be is the “Employer of Choice”.  I’ll tweak this to the volunteer employer of choice.  What could CPC do to make volunteering the most meaningful experience possible?  What could we do to ensure that all of our attenders want to take a step to serve?I am working…

High Performing Organizations part 1

In his book, leading at a higher level, Ken Blanchard states that any High Performing Organization must seek to be the 1. Provider of choice 2. Employer of Choice and 3. the Investment of choice. 1.  Today I am asking myself, what could Connection Point Church do to be THE provider of Godly guidance to…

The reason is not the reason.

As I put on my new plates for the Sweet Saturn, I made sure I put on a plate on the front of the car.  A while back, I went on a ride along with a certain cop in a nearby city.  I learned that the easiest way to pull over a suspected drug car…

It never goes as planned

I’ve noticed that the more I plan an event or idea, the more likely it is to be very different that what I expected.  Perhaps this is because I have spent so much time envisioning it that I have a clearer idea of what I expect.  But what I’ve noticed is that even if things…

The Link In the Chain

One of the leadership principles that I’ve shared with our church several times is called “the links in the chain”.  No matter who you are or what you do at Connection Point Church, you are a link in the chain of someone’s eternal destiny.   Often the preacher gets all the credit for life changes, but in reality,…

Ways to Invite Someone to Church

Here are a ton of different ways to invite people to church that a friend of mine posted on his blog a while back.  I thought they might help you get some ideas about how to find 10 people to come to CPC on 10.10.10! Grill out for the employees of a company or business….

Systematic Friendliness at Chick-Fil-a

I was working from Chick-Fil-A the other day (free wifi and free refills) and I began to notice how they have systematized the friendliness at their stores.        Without fail, if you wait a moment, someone will come by your table and ask, “would you like me to refresh your beverage?”  (They never…

Why We MUST Grow

I thought I would address an question that has come up a few times.  Several people along this journey have asked, “Why do we want to grow?  I like the church small…”I really understand the desire to know everyone and the desire to be able to know the pastor on a relational level.  Those are…

Things I learned from buying a used car

Because we are committed to staying debt free and because we are saving everything we can in order to adopt our baby girl from Ethiopia, we made the decision to buy a clunker car this past Saturday.  We paid cash and bought a cheap car.  Yes we could have financed a sweet ride, but it would…

on your radar

This past Sunday we added about a dozen people to our volunteer teams.  A major part of the breaking through to the next level is to get everyone in our church working together.    In the next few months, we are going to do several things to get our people working together.   1. We…